Trump’s Plan For A Coup

We have all heard about Trump’s attempt at a coup d’état. I have some thoughts on that subject. I completely realize what I am about to say has a lot of holes in it. However, I also realize that a lot of what I am about to say is not that far fetched.

We all know that the only way that you can possibly have a coup d’état is when you control the military. Trump did almost everything he could, to make sure that never happened. So then, why would he attempt a coup d’état when he didn’t control the military. Another question that needs to be answered is why did he think that 8,000 fools could overthrow the United States of America. Well, I have a theory about both of those questions and here it is.

First of all, I think we were a lot closer to a coup d’état than most people may think. You have to understand what Trump knows about his supporters. He knew they loved him and he knew they were not the sharpest tacks on the board. He also knew that if he could get them to attack the Capitol, they would most likely start killing all the members of Congress. It would not have made a difference which party they belonged to. Once the killing started, Trump knew they would have killed them all including Vice President Pence. That is the way mobs work. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump had some people in that mob to make sure it went that way. Fortunately for America, 8,000 fools couldn’t find 536 politicians (give or take) in one building??? So, why would Trump want Congress and Vice President Pence dead? Its quite simple really. Without the Vice President and Congress, there is no one to challenge him except the military, the supreme court and the president elect. You have to remember, Trump had challenged the election with wide Republican support. One has to wonder if Biden would have gotten the support he needed from the military to become president on January 20th. The Supreme Court wouldn’t be of any help. It is only as powerful as the support given by Congress and/or the president. In this scenario, no Congress, no Supreme Court. So, back to the military. How does Donald Trump control the military. The answer is he doesn’t have to. They will do his bidding by default. Think about it. After the assassination of Congress, there would be complete mayhem in the streets. Civil War would not be out of the question. What is the military going to do? Allow their country to fall into the abyss of civil war? Think about the vulnerabilities that would exist with our enemies abroad. The generals really wouldn’t have a choice. There would have to follow orders from the only legitimately elected official with power and that would have been Donald Trump. It is likely that Trump would establish some type of Martial Law. At some point he would start replacing generals with his own. Remember, there wouldn’t be any serious challengers to Trump or his decisions with the exception of the military. The only way Trump’s plan doesn’t work is if the military decides to create their own coup d’état. I don’t see that happening. I haven’t heard of any generals considering such a move in the event of a coup. Then again, that is not something you would hear about either. None the less, I think they would most likely all fall in line.

I am not an expert in any part of this. However, I do believe that Trump had a plan to take over our government and failed. Unfortunately, I believe he is still planning towards that end. There are those that think a government takeover is the only way to fix our government. They are called extremists! I do not agree with them. Extremism is never the way to fix a country. Intelligent dialogue, respect for each others opinion and honest elections are the only way a Democracy can work. Yeah, I know. There are those that still think that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Well, my answer to that is this. The most powerful man on this planet along with 70 million people could not come up with any proof. When you add that to the 50 some dismissed court appearances for lack of evidence, you pretty much get the picture. That is unless you are clinically brain dead!

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