Trump Stops Endorsing Vaccinations and Starts Promoting Pardons For The Insurrectionists At the Capitol

Just when Trump did something right he backed off from it. Trump said at a Republican Rally that everyone should get vaccinated. He was right! He also said people don’t die when they get vaccinated. He was right again! However, he got booed anyway. They obviously didn’t like him saying that. One could sense he was trying to secure the one thing in his legacy that historians will, for sure, give him credit for (Warp Speed). Unfortunately, for him, his own supporters won’t allow him to have it. Not only that. For maybe the first time ever, he was close to alienating his most loyal supporters. It was then that Trump realized that if he does run again, he only has one way to go. So, what does he do? He decides to make the statement that he would pardon the insurrectionists that attacked our capitol. That comment is the height of stupidity for someone who is thinking about running for president. It boggles the mind when one tries to understand why any American would support such an action. The Republican Party is the smallest of the three major political parties in America. Here is a man, at every turn, alienating the Democrats, Independents and the G.O.P. (Including the Lincoln Project). How can any American whitewash Trump making that statement and still say he had nothing to do with January 6th? I suppose they could whitewash it just like they whitewashed his latest statement….. “to take back that beautiful, beautiful house that happens to be white”. Or maybe the same way they whitewashed, “Proud Boys stand by”. It is interesting that they call it whitewashing.

Whether Donald Trump is courting Insurrectionists, Extremists, White Supremist or Conspiracists, one thing is for sure. Donald Trump is the biggest asset the Democrats have. He alone will keep the Republican Party from controlling the House, Senate, Presidency and the Supreme Court for the first time since 2007.

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