The Politics of Politics

I wanted to make clear what my political positions are when it comes to voting, party affiliation and political stability. I believe in the multiparty system. I believe that America needs the Democratic Party. I believe America needs the Independent Party. I believe America needs the G.O.P. Party.  I have voted for all three. However, I do not believe America needs the Insurrection Party. I say Insurrection Party because the Republican Party is now controlled by Insurrectionists, White Supremist and Conspiracists. That is why I said we need the G.O.P. Party instead of the Republican Party.  Extremist Parties will always be around. Usually they are a minority in general. However, Donald Trump changed that!  So, how did he do that? Well, its quite simple. When Donald Trump started to break long respected rules of appropriate behavior no one stopped him. Why would the powers that be in the Republican Party choose to not stop him?  Well, its because they didn’t want to.  Many Republican politicians had already been choosing personal power over Country, Constitution and Propriety. No wonder Trump slipped in. He was the epitome of that description. He wrote the book on it!  He realized he could use and abuse the Republican base.  He realized that extremists were screaming for someone to give them credibility.  He used this knowledge to establish a cult that would accept anything he said whether it was baseless or not. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not worried about the Insurrectionist Party getting any stronger. They have gotten weaker since Jan 6th.  Their exalted leader has numerous business and legal problems on the horizon.  The American public at large are now aware of what and who he is.  Even the die hard Republican base is finally starting to get it. However, there will still be a lot of damage done until all Americans wake up and remember we are Americans first. In regards to Donald Trump and his minions. Well, I believe he is going to jail. If that happens true G.O.P. republicans will once again regain there place in the Republican Party. If Trump doesn’t go to jail, he still has the stigma of Jan 6th. The Democrat, Independent and G.O.P. Parties won’t allow the American public to forget that disgusting day. Trumps business partners will not forget it either. More and more of them are distancing themselves from him. Trumps business are failing. Its harder and harder for him to loan money to save them.  As far as Trumps Congressional supporters go.  Some of them will still win in red states. But America will never again elect Donald Trump or any puppet he tries to get elected to the presidency!  I also don’t believe that the Insurrection Party will win the House and/or the Senate back in 2022.  I think a large block of disenfranchised G.O.P. Republicans will decide to not vote instead of having to choose between the Democratic Party or the Insurrection Party. That would of course weaken the Insurrection Party. Of course, any prediction I make is dependent upon the actions of the Biden Administration.

I also anticipate the Independent Party will begin to grow.  Traditionally when the right gets too far right then the left becomes more popular. Then when left gets too far left than the right gets more popular.  However, if the right and the left are both going to extremes than the Independent Party and others get more popular. This is a good example of where the multi-party system and the power of voting creates our country’s policies. You have to have votes in order to be elected. When an Independent runs from the middle and becomes popular, the Republican and the Democratic parties take notice.  It is then they both realize they need to start moving towards the center.  An Independent Party candidate will probably never win a presidential election again. George Washington was the only one to do so. However, the Independent Party can be advantageous because it can change the political landscape. This is what happens in a presidential election.  Middle of the road voters start showing up in the polls as leaning towards the Independent Party. The Republicans and the Democrats see their popularity dropping. They both realize that they need to start moving towards the center to get votes. Then come election day guess what happens?  The independent voters do an about face. All of a sudden they realize their vote might end up just being a protest vote.  So, instead of voting Independent they pick the candidates that are closest to the center and have a chance of winning. That of course means they will now vote for either a Republican or a Democratic candidate. They don’t think of it as the perfect choice. Just the best choice available.  This is one of the reasons why candidates don’t like to to run on the Independent ticket.  However, even with that said, I believe, for the reasons stated earlier, a really strong, ethical Independent presidential candidate would help get us back towards the middle. That in itself would minimize the presence of extremism in both the Democrat and the Republican parties. Who knows. Maybe an Independent could win.  It is certainly more possible now than ever before.

The most important thing is that we continue to understand that our country’s decisions are not made through violence and intimidation. Both will destroy our country from within. There would be no winners. So, how do we decide what the right thing to do is when both sides think they are in the right? We learn to accept and live by the decisions of voting results whether we like them or not. Yes, we do want to make sure that there is not any voting fraud involved. However, fraud must be proved. No proof. No fraud! Voting is not suppose to be a political tool. Its suppose to be a right for everyone! One thing is for sure. If we don’t come together pretty soon our country will fall into the abyss of anarchy! I know I don’t want that.  Do you?

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