Resolving Our Southern Border Problem

The Republicans attack the Democrats and the Democrats attack the Republican’s continuously about our Southern Border Problem. We have had many Republican and Democrat Presidents throughout our country’s history. Our congress has been controlled by both the Republicans and the Democrats throughout our country’s history. It doesn’t matter who is in control. They will both fail as they always have. The reason is simple. They have been focusing on the border instead of the people themselves. Even if we created an unpassable wall it wouldn’t matter. They would just start coming in by boat or via Canada.

The problem:

If the far right had their way they would set up automatic machine guns on the border and shoot anything that moves. On the other hand, if the far left had their way they would open up the border completely and supply them with immediate citizenship as they entered. Neither is a viable option. I believe we have a right to protect our border. This is our country, not theirs. However, I completely understand why people are trying to cross our borders. If I was from Mexico, Central America or South America, I would want to do the same thing. Its a conflict between border rights and human rights that will never be resolved……or will it?

The answer:

First and foremost I want to state the following. I am not advocating my following proposal. I am simply stating it as an idea of what thinking outside the box could be. We have to think outside the box in order to fix this problem. I am suggesting this idea in order to stimulate new ideas on how to fix our Southern Border Problem.

As I said earlier, we have been focusing on the physical border of our country instead of focusing on the incentives that make people want to come here. The Biden Administration, to their credit, is trying to do that. They are trying to find a way to eliminate the need for people to want to immigrate here in the first place. Unfortunately, it will not work. We cannot support Mexico, Central America and South America. They have to figure out their own problems. So, what do we do?

The first thing is we have to stop thinking about the physical border. Yeah, we have to have some lines of defense there but you have to remember. This is not an invasion force. This is people looking for a better life. I personally don’t have a problem with them coming to our country. I just want them all documented and taxed the same as all American’s. I don’t like the idea of them coming here and spending our money without them paying their fair share of taxes. They don’t have to be citizens to live here. Some sort of working/living visa works for me.

However, if you want to slow down the illegal immigration of people crossing our border I have an idea that I know will work. However, I want to make it clear once again. I state this idea in hopes of stimulating a new way of thinking in regards to our Southern Border Problem. I don’t believe we will ever do what I am about to suggest because it will be compared to Nazi Germany. It will be decried as humiliating and undignified. It will be considered inhuman. Quite frankly, they would be right in saying all of it. However, the upside is that I believe that something like this would work without separating families and it would not kill anyone. Remember, this following is about finding a way to reduce the incentive for people to want to come here. It is just one example of what thinking out of the box might look like. Nothing more.

First we would have to set an age qualification for what I am about to suggest. For example: You can’t make a 2 year old child responsible for the actions of that child’s parents. Second, we must enact a law that anyone caught in our country illegally can never become a U.S. Citizen! This is extremely important for deterrent purposes. Third, we must stiffen the penalties in this country for employing illegals. Fourth, and this is also really important. We must make some sort of living/working visas more readily available so as to give the illegals a legal way to get here. With all of this in place, this is what would happen. Anyone above the appropriate age, caught in our country illegally would have their right hand immediately painted with an unremovable paint. Tattoos can be removed but a painted hand cannot. It is inherent that the criminal element will take advantage of this new policy for leverage purposes. Paperwork would have to be generated in order protect the innocent. Keep in mind that I am aware that there is a host of problems associated with this idea. They would all have to be identified and resolved.

Lets talk about why this would work. First, If someone wants to live here and knows about our new policy, they will think twice about crossing our borders illegally. They would know that employers in this country would never hire anyone with a painted hand unless they had a document proving that they were innocent. Second, the fact that no one wants to live the rest of their life with a painted hand is a strong deterrent. Third, they would know that once their hand is painted they would be arrested on site if they did manage to get here. Fourth, knowing they can never become a citizen if they ever get caught, would promote using our legal methods of working/living here instead of crossing the border illegally. Especially if they know there is a more liberal working/living visa option available.

The most important part of all of this is that it effectively destroys the incentive to come here without separation of families and death. I am all for that.

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