Republican Anti Vax And Anti Mask Policies Are Breaking America

The fact is that many Republican leaders in this country are Breaking America with their Covid19 policies. Their agenda is not America or American lives. Their agenda is purely political. They are playing the Liberty card to get and stay elected within the Republican Party. They all know that it is vital that all Americans get vaccinated. Herd Immunity must be our first line of defense against Covid19. Not masks, not social distancing, not vaccinations and most certainly not immunity by infection. However, until we reach herd immunity, we have no choice but to use the tools that have been scientifically proven to deter the Covid19 infection process. However, the Republicans continue their policy of misinformation in hopes of unseating the Democratic Party from power. Unfortunately, the longer Covid19 disrupts our country’s economy, the closer our country gets to an all out depression. If America goes into a depression, economies everywhere will collapse. The Republicans are blaming Joe Biden for run away inflation. What a bunch of crap. Most countries in general, are running into the same problems we are. Joe Biden inherited this problem just like other leaders across the globe. Would we be having this inflation right now if everyone was wearing masks and getting vaccinated when vaccines became available. Most likely. However, nothing like what we have right now. Almost all of the problems we have with our current economy are Covid19 driven. The sudden lack of demand because of Covid19 and then the sudden increase in demand when vaccinations became available caused production and distribution problems that cannot be overcome in a day. It takes time. However, it will take a lot longer if the Republicans continue to proliferate falsehoods and resist all efforts to eradicate Covid19 under the false pretense of Liberty. Could it be said that President Biden is not doing a good job controlling inflation etc. Of course. It can also be said it would be a lot easier for him to solve the problem if the Republicans would stop sabotaging his efforts to get everyone to wear masks and get vaccinated. Those two arguments can be debated until the cows come home. They don’t matter. The reality is, the economy goes as the infection rate goes. The higher the rate of vaccination while utilizing masks etc., the lower the rate of infections. The lower the rate of infections, the less lockdowns etc. The less lockdowns etc., the stronger our economy becomes.

For all the Republicans that would sabotage vaccine mandates, This link is for you. It will show you the history of vaccinations in our country. For the record. This link is from Fox10.

History of Vaccine Mandates In The United States

I have another link for those that cry “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” when referring to vaccine mandates. In this article it tells of the Small Pox vaccine mandate that George Washington ordered for his troops during the Revolutionary War. George Washington was infected with Small Pox while in Florida. He knew first hand what it would do to his troops if it spread among them. I am pretty sure that this vaccine mandate did not violate our personal liberties. As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure it was largely responsible for our success in fighting for ……… wait for it……… LIBERTY!

Vaccine Mandates Are As American As George Washington

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