Cutting An Avocado

It really depends on whether or not you are going to save part of the avocado or not.  If you are not going to save any of it then cut it lengthwise all the way around the avocado down to the seed.  Then simply twist and turn until it separates.  Then score the skin a couple times to make it easier to peel the skin off.  If you are going to save part of it then cut it widthwise all the way down to the seed.  Then separate it any way you can without damaging the part you are going to save and store it in tupperware.  Don’t forget to burp it.  That is really important when saving avocados.  Just so you know.  The reason you cut it widthwise when you save some of the avocado is because you are exposing less of the fruit to the air.  Its also easier to handle when cutting it.  When you are ready to eat it just recut it enough to remove any discolored avocado.  Remove the seed.  Then score the skin a couple times to make it easier to peel the skin off.

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