Chris Christie and Adam Kinzinger Would Be A Dynamic Duo In The Next Presidential Election

Adam Kinzinger

First and foremost, I want as many true G.O.P. Republicans to run for president as possible. The Republican base needs to see that there is two wings to the Republican Party. They need to be able to compare Donald Trump and his Rino minions to the statesmen of the G.O.P. The Republican base needs to see that there are many Republicans that want nothing to do with Donald Trump. When they see that they might then begin to doubt their loyalty to a fake president and his minions.

Personally, I think that Chris Christie and Adam Kinzinger would be a dynamic duo in the next presidential election. While I never liked the way Chris Christie supported Donald Trump early on. He did finally realize he had been backing the wrong man for the wrong reasons. He did come out and say Donald Trump should be impeached. Click this link is you would like to read more about it. “If inciting to insurrection isn’t, then I don’t really know what is,” Christie, a longtime Trump ally, told ABC News host George Stephanopoulos. Make no mistake. Chris Christie is about as savvy as they come when it comes to politics. He knows the job of being a leader. He would not be a new, unexposed candidate. I don’t think he has any skeletons that would deride him. I was planning on voting for him if he won the Republican Nomination. He would be a great president.

Adam Kinzinger got my approval when he voted to impeach and prosecute Donald Trump. Kinzinger has shown to the world that his country will always come before his agenda. That works for me.

So, why do I believe Adam Kinzinger would be a great Vice President? Its quite simple actually. He is a proven statesman with core G.O.P. values. He is young and smart. He doesn’t run from a fight that it is justified. Most importantly, he is a man that would defend my country from those that would attack it. I don’t know a lot more about him than that but I definitely like and trust him.

Don’t be surprised if I add to this commentary later on.

Rev: 12/04/2021

Well, I said, don’t be surprised if I add to this commentary later on. Chris Christie had a bunch of interviews revolving around his new book “Republican Rescue”. I am not going to talk about his book. I am simply going to talk about two questions I heard were asked while interviewing him. One was, is he still friends with Donald Trump? He said yes. The second question was, would he support Donald Trump if Donald Trump were nominated by the Republican Party. He would not answer. Both answers. whether answered or not are deal breakers for me. I will not support anyone that will not distance themselves from Donald Trump. Period! As far as Adam Kinsinger goes, I would vote for him in a New York second. My main reason is because he chooses country over agenda which is more than I can say for the majority of politicians in Washington, including Democrats.

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