Immediate Relief For Eyes That Water And burn

Have you ever woke up in the morning with watery eyes? Do they burn? Do they burn even more when you rub them? I have come up with an instant fix. It doesn’t fix the problem permanently. However, it does work!

Then next time your eyes start to water and burn, DO NOT RUB THEM!!! Rubbing them make it worse. What you want to do is gently place some sort of tissue in between your eyelids. Then slowly and gently blot the fluid out. It only takes a couple seconds. I usually do this procedure 2 or 3 times in a row, always moving the tissue to a dry spot on the tissue before blotting. The burn will disappear immediately. On occasion your eyes might water again with the same burning sensation. If it does, then replicate the procedure all over again. It really works!

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